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Changing things up is working so far

Well Summer is upon us and I was curious how sales are doing this year compared to last with all the changes I've made to my delivery frequency and not having any paid advertising. Sales are down slightly (by about 5%) compared to this time last year, and I'm not surprised with almost EVERYTHING being more expensive (fuel, food to name a few) and international travel being a thing again, refilling just might not be fitting into some peoples budgets right now!

What I am more happy about is that my km driven has gone down by 50%, compared to this time last year, due to my new approach of doing larger delivery trips less often! I was surprised to see it make that much of a difference!

I've phased cut out a few of my slowest selling products to try to free up space in the van, and haven't gotten too many complaints so far..... I have decided to start treating this business a bit like a child.- I'm not buying you something if you aren't going to use it!

As I had so little time for hiking trips last summer I have booked quite a few for myself this summer so far... delivery trips are going to fit in where they fit in! Anxiously waiting for my next work schedule to see where I can make delivery trips work!

On a more personal note I was happy to get in a great little trip to drumheller with my Mom and youngest niece and nephew (3 and 5 years old) last weekend. We all did surprisingly well at the "Dinoseum" as my niece calls it now.

My nephew had aready been warned about the time we managed to loose all three of my brothers at the museum when we were kids and therefore was pretty good about sticking close to Aunty and Gramma!

Things at the family farm have been progressing well. My grandparents old house has been emptied and torn down, we are waiting for Dad's new house to arrive! I don't think any of us had ever imagined how much work it would take!

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