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Not always easy being low waste when you travel

Well its a Guilty Pleasure of mine- Travel

While we all admit there is a great environmental cost associated with traveling, its not something most of us are willing to give up entirely. This was my first trip out of the country since 2019, so I do not feel quite so guilty!

A few little things I always make sure I do when I fly:

-Take your own bottle for water, you can fill it once you pass airport security

(always surprises me how few people know or do this!)

-take your own toiletries (I have been refilling the same travel bottles for years now!)

-take reusable shopping bags with you (you are probably going to buy groceries at some point

Some things that made me cringe but I did anyway:

-prepackaged snacks mid flight

-plastic baggies for backpacking food.... though I did bring most of these back with me to reuse!

(thought about the reuseables but could not justify the extra room and pack weight for this trip)

Ecochick Products I loved having with me:

-Coconut Body Lotion

-Change Toothpaste Tabs (had my friend using them too!)

-Oneka Shampoo

-routine natural deodorant (Curator)

-Grin Toothbrush (head only to make things ultralight!)

A few deets about the trip:

My friend mentioned the Trans Catalina Trail to me earlier this summer, when he said he was not sure about doing it himself, I naturally offered myself up as a hiking partner.

Catalina Island is located off the coast of Los Angeles, a short (1 hourish) ferry ride from the mainland. There is a small town and ferry drop off at each end. The Trail is about 65km in length, 5 primitive campsites along the way (3 of them Ocean view!) , and we hiked it in about 5 days. We were able to indulge in 3 restaurant meals while on the trail, which was key to me keeping my pack weight low enough for my little frame to carry !

Natural fauna include Foxes, Lizards, snakes (though never saw any) and a herd of Bison introduced in the 1920s for filming a Western Movie, we saw all of these except the snakes!

I will simply say the rest with Photos as one of those is worth 1000 words, or so they say ;)

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